Past Tours

Green Tour of Italy: Fall 2010

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Green Tour of Italy: Fall 2010 – Itinerary

“The Green Building Tour of Italy was Great!  It was the right balance of learning, touring, and tasting the many flavors of the regions of Italy.  It is a lot  to take in, but for someone like me who had never been to Italy, I could not have asked for a better introduction – personally and professionally.  The old, the new, the north, the south, the city, the countryside.  If you have any interest in doing green building work in Italy, or in understanding what is going on internationally with green buildings, this is an excellent tour! I highly recommend it!  Enjoying Wine is also a good thing…”

-Gunnar Hubbard, Principal, Fore Solutions

“The Green Tour of Italy is a remarkable experience of discovery. Through the lens of this trip, comparing the ancient – oh, the brilliance of the Pantheon – and modern Italy, I’m convinced that sustainability’s essence lies in love and preservation of place. That which we love we will sustain – home, work, and most of all community. Throughout the tour you will be inspired by multiple examples of thoughtful, creative and cutting edge design led by knowledgeable and enthusiastic Italia-philes. Don’t miss this trip.”

-Penny Bonda, Partner, Ecoimpact Consulting

“If you are looking for a travel experience that will transform and inspire you then sign up for this trip. Italy was on my list of countries to visit, so when the opportunity to be part of a tour studying Sustainability in Ancient and Contemporary Italian Architecture, I jumped at it. The theme of sustainability carried over to food, wine, art, government, and culture, becoming the lens through which I experienced the country. As a result of this trip, I gained a greater appreciation of just how truly interconnected these aspects of society are and Italy is the ideal country to convey that message . . . One of the unique benefits of this tour was the opportunity to travel with a group of people from all over the world that shared an interest in sustainability and the conversations we had throughout the trip. We learned from each other as much as we did from our guides, and that’s what made this experience so valuable. Speaking of guides, their insight and passion for Italian design, food, art and culture offered us a glimpse into Italy tourists don’t see. I am so glad I went on this trip and would encourage anyone considering going to do so.”

Ephi Margolis,